Friday, January 30, 2009

Amazing, absolutely amazing...

I am down to my pre-op weight loss. I LOVE XOCAI CHOCOLATE!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just a quick note...

I was doing some review and noticed that I hadn't posted in a few weeks, so this is going to be quick. I got on the scale yesterday and I have officially begun losing weight again. Can everyone say "YEAH!"? I am down 3 pounds, which is amazing. Let me tell you, I am a terrible student of DIET101. I went out one evening to get some unsweet iced tea (did you know that people can actually make that at home?) and while I was at the store I decided that I deserved a little "treat". I love tres leche! And Publix makes a pretty good one that I felt I just had to have. A person of resonable sanity would have bought the single serving, but I felt it was more cost effecient to buy the whole cake. I ate the whole thing in less than 1/2 day. YIKES! It's true. It's not something that I am proud of, but there it is. I have no self-control. I ate 1/2 for dessert and 1/2 with my coffee the next morning. However, the amazing thing is that I still lost weight. I jokingly tell my husband that I am putting Xocai to a test. Can I eat whatever I want, add Xocai to my diet, and still lose weight? So far, the answer is yes.

Post again soon. Maybe I'll start exercising before you hear from me again...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's been too long...

Well, I have not been on in some time. Between the surgery and the holidays, time has been at an all time low. I have noticed some hormonal changes since my surgery. It is really strange to have all the same active (very active) hormones without the 'obvious' side effects. (Sorry if I seem cryptic, I just really didn't want to have to write that I mean my period...ahhh, there, I said it.) I have been very bad about eating my chocolate regularly. I disclose this because I want to be totally up front with my history and Xocai Chocolate. I would say that I am down to about one serving per day. I had run out of my chocolate stock due to some email and system problems. I should receive a case tomorrow and I will be back at a regularly daily intake. But since my surgery, I have had some terrible food attacks. I haven't been on the scale. I am back to dreading the idea. I saw my doctor just before Christmas and things looked well. I was completely released to my pre-surgery health. My energy has been fine. Not great, just fine. But considering what all it takes for a mother of 5 to do to get through Thanksgiving, Christmas and a New Year, I am not disappointed. I completely weaned myself off of my Mestinon and my Paxil. (There was a day or two there that my husband wanted me to resume my Paxil. I don't know why. It's not like I was welding a knife or anything...what a fraidy-cat.)

I am going to walk away from the computer for a minute and get on the dreaded scale. Remember when I was posting that I was actually excited to weigh myself? Well, that's not the case right now. Hence, I'm still typing... Last time I posted, I had lost 19 pounds in three months by only adding Xocai Healthy Chocolate to my diet. THAT was exciting. OK, here I go.... be right back.... really, I'm leaving...

OUCH! Well, I guess it could definitely be worse. I have gained 4 pounds since my last post. Considering the amount of food and the terrible eating habits that I have been practicing, that is actually great.

So, I'm back at it. Tomorrow I should be fully stocked with chocolate and back to a regular eating schedule. My 2009 resolution is to get organized (if you knew me, you would know what a truly difficult task that will be) and to get in shape.

I have started working for my husband. He had to actually hire me. He thinks that will make me listen to him. I must admit, a paycheck doesn't hurt. If I have never mentioned it, he is self-employed. So, when I say that he 'hired' me, it's strictly professional. I still don't listen to him when I'm off the clock. (sound of me laughing...)

I will post again when there is news.

May this year be a year of health and happiness!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It's been a full week since surgery. I must say that I am shocked at how easily it has gone. The pain has been minimal. What I am finding now is what I believe to be some nerves coming back to 'life' and making sure I am aware that they are there. Other than that, I am just tired. You know how it is... Getting back into the swing of things after lying around in a hospital doing a whole lot of nothing for several days.

Now, do I think that Xocai chocolate has helped me through this surgery? Yes, I do. However, I must say that there is no scientific evidence to post. I did not have a team of doctors following me around. But what I do have is my own personal testimony. I have had 4 c-sections in my life and now one (I don't think that I can have more) hysterectomy. I read several message boards before the surgery trying to figure out what recovery would be like. Most of what I read said that it was the same, if not worse than a c-section. So that was what I had my mind set for. I went in expecting the same thing that I had experienced with my previous c-sections (I wasn't accepting 'worse').

I remember a whole lot of nothing about my surgery. I remember being prepped for the epidural and telling the anasthesiologist that I felt sure that they would not need to give me too much to 'relax' me. As you remember from my last post that was at the 4-1/2 hour countdown, I did not get a lot of sleep. Two hours to be exact. Went to bed at 1:30AM and back up at 3:30AM. So, that was it, I remember the epidural. If I spoke with my doctor, I don't remember. I've been racking my brain trying to remember post-op recovery and there's nothing there. I sort of remember trying to move my legs. I remember from previous c-sections that I had to be able to move my legs before they would let me out of post-op and into a room. Next thing I remember is being in my room. I had a cath still in place and the epidural was still there for pain. I remember being asked about my pain level. I said a 7. Who REALLY knows what to say when they give you that silly smiley face scale of 1-10? I've just never really gotten that one. So, I said, "seven". We spent most of the rest of that day trying to decide what was the best way to administer pain meds to me. I am not much on the epidural and we finally settled in on a 'pump' method that I was able to control myself (it was administered through an IV). I was able to give myself a dose every six minutes which I thought was pretty crazy. Heck, I couldn't even stay awake for much more than 15 minutes. I think I took about three doses an hour and slept for most of the 1st two days. I know that I took a book that I had been saving to read while I was in the hospital and it took my until Thursday to even get through the foreward. By Thursday they had removed the cath and all IV's and I was up and using the restroom on my own. I got a shower and walked the hallways. My pain was very minimal. I was able to get two pain meds by mouth every 6 hours, but was only requesting one. Two put me to sleep and I was really looking forward to having some time to read.

One thing I do remember is that the nurses and even the doctors would tell me that when I got home I could take some motrin to help with the inflammation. I had to remind them that I was allergic to ibuprofen and I kept thinking, "that's OK, I have healthy dark chocolate for inflammation." I took my chocolate to the hospital with me. The first couple of days (day of surgery and the day after) I would suck on bits of the chocolate. I was on a liquid diet and wasn't tolerating much yet, but by day three I was back into the swing of things and eating a couple of pieces a day and tolerating 'some' food. The doctor was ready to release me by day 4, but it was late and I stayed until the next morning.

I got home on a Saturday and spent most of the weekend in bed with my husband babying me. (I love you, honey!) It was certainly good to be home. I had my post-op appointment yesterday and it looks like things are going great!!!! According to my doctor, pathology showed that there was good reason for the surgery and after I am completely healed, I should be a new woman!!!

I will keep you updated as things progress. If it wasn't for the mandatory restrictions that come with surgery and the fact that yes, I am tired after a full day of 'life', I would tell you that I am great! But...I'll give it a couple of weeks. Xocai healthy chocolate is only a 'super-food', not a 'miracle-food'.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Final Countdown...

It's midnight. In 4-1/2 hours I will have to be at the hospital prepping for surgery. It's been pretty crazy. Can someone please tell me why we women worry about things like cleaning our carpet before we leave the house for surgery? Or, how many of you go crazy cleaning before you leave for vacation? Yes, I know, it is to make it feel nicer when we get home. Right? Whatever the reason, it's truly unnecessary!

But I am ready. This surgery has been a few years in the making, but the timing has just been off. Now the timing is perfect. I mean, really. Tomorrow night when they announce the next President of the United States of America, if the outcome is not to my liking, I can just pop another pain killer. What more can a girl ask for?

I will be back after I have had a little time to rest. I feel great. I have packed a nice, new pair of jammies and, of course, my chocolate.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Keep forgetting...

You know, I have been so excited about the weight loss (which, by the weigh, according to the scale at the hospital today is at 17 lbs) that I have neglected to tell you about anything else that has been going on with my health.

So, here goes...

My energy is still maxing out. I can tell you that, yes, I have had a few days of 'just plain tired', but if you knew the life that I lead, you would understand. Flash back to my life a year ago and WOW, what a difference. There is no way that I could have been holding up to the schedule that I have been keeping. It is crazy and quite frankly, I need to slow down. Just for my own sanity. I need to just breathe. But, at the same time, it is exciting. My kids love seeing me hanging out at their school. I spent the last 5 days on their morning announcements dressed like a scarecrow. They loved it. When the Fall Festival was over, Gracie was actually disappointed to find out that I wasn't going to be there anymore. I heard that she actually waved at me the first morning (me, on TV). These are things that I never could have had if my health had remained the same. My children would not have the memories that I am helping them to develop. I am thankful for Xocai.

Here's another big kicker, I saw my neurologist on the 23rd. He is a new doctor for me. My old one (and the one before him) left town. I seem to have that effect on neurologists. It could almost give a girl a complex. So, anyway, here I am at my appointment explaining to the new guy about my symptoms and how I was feeling. Of course I have to tell him that I am feeling great. I even have to tell him that I have all but stopped taking my meds. To this he replies that perhaps I really don't have myasthenia gravis. And, in a way, I'm OK with that. But then there's the other side of me who knows what I have been experiencing for the last 4+ years. There's a side of me that remembers clearly the feeling of lying down to bed at night and not truly knowing if I would wake up in the morning. And that side of me just has to ask, "if it wasn't MG, what was it? And more importantly, is it gone?" There's a side of me that thinks, could chocolate have really cured me? I mean, it seems truly illogical. But, all I know is that I feel better. Actually, I feel great. And for that I am greatful. I will not complain. I will eat my chocolate and be happy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


OK, I have been busy running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I have had birthday parties and tonight I had a Fall Festival at the kid's elementary school. I have been so stressed. Sunday night (while I was gorging myself on queso and chips) I told my husband that I would be shocked if I did not gain weight. You see, I am a stress eater! And then there's that thing about women holding their weight around their waist. I don't know the science behind it, but I can tell you that this stressed out, over eating woman is a definate muffin top.

So I have been avoiding the scale for the past couple of days. And tonight when we got home from the Fall Fest, some how the scale had ended up in the hallway. It's like the darn thing was calling out to me. Taunting me. So I got on it.


Tomorrow I go to the doctor's for my pre-op, so I will be on their scale. I will let you know the outcome. It ought to be interesting. The last time I was there, let's just say that it wasn't pretty.