Friday, January 30, 2009

Amazing, absolutely amazing...

I am down to my pre-op weight loss. I LOVE XOCAI CHOCOLATE!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just a quick note...

I was doing some review and noticed that I hadn't posted in a few weeks, so this is going to be quick. I got on the scale yesterday and I have officially begun losing weight again. Can everyone say "YEAH!"? I am down 3 pounds, which is amazing. Let me tell you, I am a terrible student of DIET101. I went out one evening to get some unsweet iced tea (did you know that people can actually make that at home?) and while I was at the store I decided that I deserved a little "treat". I love tres leche! And Publix makes a pretty good one that I felt I just had to have. A person of resonable sanity would have bought the single serving, but I felt it was more cost effecient to buy the whole cake. I ate the whole thing in less than 1/2 day. YIKES! It's true. It's not something that I am proud of, but there it is. I have no self-control. I ate 1/2 for dessert and 1/2 with my coffee the next morning. However, the amazing thing is that I still lost weight. I jokingly tell my husband that I am putting Xocai to a test. Can I eat whatever I want, add Xocai to my diet, and still lose weight? So far, the answer is yes.

Post again soon. Maybe I'll start exercising before you hear from me again...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's been too long...

Well, I have not been on in some time. Between the surgery and the holidays, time has been at an all time low. I have noticed some hormonal changes since my surgery. It is really strange to have all the same active (very active) hormones without the 'obvious' side effects. (Sorry if I seem cryptic, I just really didn't want to have to write that I mean my period...ahhh, there, I said it.) I have been very bad about eating my chocolate regularly. I disclose this because I want to be totally up front with my history and Xocai Chocolate. I would say that I am down to about one serving per day. I had run out of my chocolate stock due to some email and system problems. I should receive a case tomorrow and I will be back at a regularly daily intake. But since my surgery, I have had some terrible food attacks. I haven't been on the scale. I am back to dreading the idea. I saw my doctor just before Christmas and things looked well. I was completely released to my pre-surgery health. My energy has been fine. Not great, just fine. But considering what all it takes for a mother of 5 to do to get through Thanksgiving, Christmas and a New Year, I am not disappointed. I completely weaned myself off of my Mestinon and my Paxil. (There was a day or two there that my husband wanted me to resume my Paxil. I don't know why. It's not like I was welding a knife or anything...what a fraidy-cat.)

I am going to walk away from the computer for a minute and get on the dreaded scale. Remember when I was posting that I was actually excited to weigh myself? Well, that's not the case right now. Hence, I'm still typing... Last time I posted, I had lost 19 pounds in three months by only adding Xocai Healthy Chocolate to my diet. THAT was exciting. OK, here I go.... be right back.... really, I'm leaving...

OUCH! Well, I guess it could definitely be worse. I have gained 4 pounds since my last post. Considering the amount of food and the terrible eating habits that I have been practicing, that is actually great.

So, I'm back at it. Tomorrow I should be fully stocked with chocolate and back to a regular eating schedule. My 2009 resolution is to get organized (if you knew me, you would know what a truly difficult task that will be) and to get in shape.

I have started working for my husband. He had to actually hire me. He thinks that will make me listen to him. I must admit, a paycheck doesn't hurt. If I have never mentioned it, he is self-employed. So, when I say that he 'hired' me, it's strictly professional. I still don't listen to him when I'm off the clock. (sound of me laughing...)

I will post again when there is news.

May this year be a year of health and happiness!