Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It's been a full week since surgery. I must say that I am shocked at how easily it has gone. The pain has been minimal. What I am finding now is what I believe to be some nerves coming back to 'life' and making sure I am aware that they are there. Other than that, I am just tired. You know how it is... Getting back into the swing of things after lying around in a hospital doing a whole lot of nothing for several days.

Now, do I think that Xocai chocolate has helped me through this surgery? Yes, I do. However, I must say that there is no scientific evidence to post. I did not have a team of doctors following me around. But what I do have is my own personal testimony. I have had 4 c-sections in my life and now one (I don't think that I can have more) hysterectomy. I read several message boards before the surgery trying to figure out what recovery would be like. Most of what I read said that it was the same, if not worse than a c-section. So that was what I had my mind set for. I went in expecting the same thing that I had experienced with my previous c-sections (I wasn't accepting 'worse').

I remember a whole lot of nothing about my surgery. I remember being prepped for the epidural and telling the anasthesiologist that I felt sure that they would not need to give me too much to 'relax' me. As you remember from my last post that was at the 4-1/2 hour countdown, I did not get a lot of sleep. Two hours to be exact. Went to bed at 1:30AM and back up at 3:30AM. So, that was it, I remember the epidural. If I spoke with my doctor, I don't remember. I've been racking my brain trying to remember post-op recovery and there's nothing there. I sort of remember trying to move my legs. I remember from previous c-sections that I had to be able to move my legs before they would let me out of post-op and into a room. Next thing I remember is being in my room. I had a cath still in place and the epidural was still there for pain. I remember being asked about my pain level. I said a 7. Who REALLY knows what to say when they give you that silly smiley face scale of 1-10? I've just never really gotten that one. So, I said, "seven". We spent most of the rest of that day trying to decide what was the best way to administer pain meds to me. I am not much on the epidural and we finally settled in on a 'pump' method that I was able to control myself (it was administered through an IV). I was able to give myself a dose every six minutes which I thought was pretty crazy. Heck, I couldn't even stay awake for much more than 15 minutes. I think I took about three doses an hour and slept for most of the 1st two days. I know that I took a book that I had been saving to read while I was in the hospital and it took my until Thursday to even get through the foreward. By Thursday they had removed the cath and all IV's and I was up and using the restroom on my own. I got a shower and walked the hallways. My pain was very minimal. I was able to get two pain meds by mouth every 6 hours, but was only requesting one. Two put me to sleep and I was really looking forward to having some time to read.

One thing I do remember is that the nurses and even the doctors would tell me that when I got home I could take some motrin to help with the inflammation. I had to remind them that I was allergic to ibuprofen and I kept thinking, "that's OK, I have healthy dark chocolate for inflammation." I took my chocolate to the hospital with me. The first couple of days (day of surgery and the day after) I would suck on bits of the chocolate. I was on a liquid diet and wasn't tolerating much yet, but by day three I was back into the swing of things and eating a couple of pieces a day and tolerating 'some' food. The doctor was ready to release me by day 4, but it was late and I stayed until the next morning.

I got home on a Saturday and spent most of the weekend in bed with my husband babying me. (I love you, honey!) It was certainly good to be home. I had my post-op appointment yesterday and it looks like things are going great!!!! According to my doctor, pathology showed that there was good reason for the surgery and after I am completely healed, I should be a new woman!!!

I will keep you updated as things progress. If it wasn't for the mandatory restrictions that come with surgery and the fact that yes, I am tired after a full day of 'life', I would tell you that I am great! But...I'll give it a couple of weeks. Xocai healthy chocolate is only a 'super-food', not a 'miracle-food'.

1 comment:

Ria said...

OK, so now it's been over 2 weeks since the surgery and I have to say that although we only talked on the phone yesterday, you certainly sound well and recovered. There was a certain 'wellness' to your voice and tone. And, as we discussed, I'm sure you're doing more than you should be but you're a grown up and know your limitations =) More posts! More posts!!