Monday, September 15, 2008

WOW! What a week. Oh, wait a minute, it is only Monday. What in the world is going on? What was I thinking? I have spent the entire day involved in some sort of extracurricular motherly activity. I woke up, packed lunches, got the kids to school (all but one, of course) and then sat down at the computer and began working. There is a Skate Night to be promoted, and Open House to prepare for, Crew row team to sell for, etc, etc, etc. The list never seems to stop. Oh, wait...There's chocolate. I've got to tell you a little secret...don't buy the chocolate. Your life will never be the same. I used to take naps during the day. And PTA! Heck, I was lucky to make it to a parent/teacher conference. I can actually remember Hannah's 1st year of school and Danny had to go. Yep, I was too tired to make it. But not any more. Oh, no. I have chocolate. Now I can take on the world. Don't do it, I tell ya'. You'll never get a chance to look back. I feel like that squirrel on Ice Age. You know the one. He's always chasing a nut. That's me. Only I've caught my nut and I just can't seem to stop now that I have it.

1 comment:

Ria said...

LOL! I LOVE that squirrel! Wow, do I have a vision in my head now. Suzi, the Healthy Chocolate nut...err...squirrel...running around, eating her Healthy Chocolate. Zoom Zoom. Oh wait, that's another commercial. TTFN!