Monday, September 8, 2008

Life's so good...

Just trying to keep updated...

I noticed that it had not posted for a few weeks and figured I should get on the ball. So here it is:

I AM FEELING GREAT! And sometimes, that can be a bad thing. I think that I can take on the world and sometimes, the world gets the better of me. I have definitely been burning the candle at both ends. On top of having 5 kids and a house to run there's PTA, and religious ed., and of course, XOCAI! Well, I guess I shouldn't complain about Xocai. If it wasn't for Xocai, I wouldn't be able to do all those other things. Right?

I still don't think that I have lost any weight. Haven't been on a scale though. A few people have mentioned that I look like I am losing weight. What they don't know is that I wear super, powerful, made from steel, underwear. (HA! Bet you never thought that you would be reading about my underwear!) Well, you know me, I'm all about full disclosure.

I have definitely noticed that my palette has changed. (Another thing that doesn't quite sit well with me.) You see, I don't want things like curly fries and when I'm out on that rare date with my husband and I could get away with eating anything that I want, I don't want anything. What's with that? This just can't be a good thing. However, that is what they say is helping people to lose weight. The fact that I no longer want to eat all that terrible stuff must be a good thing.

Oh, but here's the worst thing possible...I don't drink as much coffee as I used to. Now, for those of you who know me, coffee is one of my favorite things ever. I just love it. I'm a true coffee-oholic. I drink it all day long. Hot coffee in the morning. Cold coffee in the afternoon. Coffee, coffee, coffee! But, sadly enough, I find that I don't really want it. And I'll just bet that you thought all those Starbucks that were closing was due to the economy. Nope, guilty as charged, it's me.

So, to date my Xocai update is: energy, energy, energy (and not coffee induced), and change of eating habits. Now, if I could just get myself out for a jog. Note to self: must start exercising.

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