Thursday, October 30, 2008

Keep forgetting...

You know, I have been so excited about the weight loss (which, by the weigh, according to the scale at the hospital today is at 17 lbs) that I have neglected to tell you about anything else that has been going on with my health.

So, here goes...

My energy is still maxing out. I can tell you that, yes, I have had a few days of 'just plain tired', but if you knew the life that I lead, you would understand. Flash back to my life a year ago and WOW, what a difference. There is no way that I could have been holding up to the schedule that I have been keeping. It is crazy and quite frankly, I need to slow down. Just for my own sanity. I need to just breathe. But, at the same time, it is exciting. My kids love seeing me hanging out at their school. I spent the last 5 days on their morning announcements dressed like a scarecrow. They loved it. When the Fall Festival was over, Gracie was actually disappointed to find out that I wasn't going to be there anymore. I heard that she actually waved at me the first morning (me, on TV). These are things that I never could have had if my health had remained the same. My children would not have the memories that I am helping them to develop. I am thankful for Xocai.

Here's another big kicker, I saw my neurologist on the 23rd. He is a new doctor for me. My old one (and the one before him) left town. I seem to have that effect on neurologists. It could almost give a girl a complex. So, anyway, here I am at my appointment explaining to the new guy about my symptoms and how I was feeling. Of course I have to tell him that I am feeling great. I even have to tell him that I have all but stopped taking my meds. To this he replies that perhaps I really don't have myasthenia gravis. And, in a way, I'm OK with that. But then there's the other side of me who knows what I have been experiencing for the last 4+ years. There's a side of me that remembers clearly the feeling of lying down to bed at night and not truly knowing if I would wake up in the morning. And that side of me just has to ask, "if it wasn't MG, what was it? And more importantly, is it gone?" There's a side of me that thinks, could chocolate have really cured me? I mean, it seems truly illogical. But, all I know is that I feel better. Actually, I feel great. And for that I am greatful. I will not complain. I will eat my chocolate and be happy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


OK, I have been busy running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I have had birthday parties and tonight I had a Fall Festival at the kid's elementary school. I have been so stressed. Sunday night (while I was gorging myself on queso and chips) I told my husband that I would be shocked if I did not gain weight. You see, I am a stress eater! And then there's that thing about women holding their weight around their waist. I don't know the science behind it, but I can tell you that this stressed out, over eating woman is a definate muffin top.

So I have been avoiding the scale for the past couple of days. And tonight when we got home from the Fall Fest, some how the scale had ended up in the hallway. It's like the darn thing was calling out to me. Taunting me. So I got on it.


Tomorrow I go to the doctor's for my pre-op, so I will be on their scale. I will let you know the outcome. It ought to be interesting. The last time I was there, let's just say that it wasn't pretty.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm becoming fanatical...

Well, I got on the scale again today. Yes, I know, I'm one of those people that I just love to hate. You know the ones, they get on the scale every day (sometimes more than once) to see if they have gained or lost any weight. Yep, that's now me. It wasn't too long ago that I thought that I had thrown the scale away. Well, seems my husband has always known where it was. Somewhere hiding in the garage. (There could be an elephant hiding in our garage and I wouldn't know it.) Now it (the scale, not the elephant) sits proudly in the bathroom just weighting (yes, I know I misspelled it) to be stood upon. And I wake up anxiously everyday hoping to see more weight loss. Well, today the scale did not let me down. ONE POUND MORE! Yes, I will shout for even one pound. Remember, I am a woman who has sat stagnant at a certain weight that I am still not prepared to divulge for over 4 years. So one pound is worth shouting over. And for the record...that's 14 pounds lost in 3 months, 1 week. All from adding chocolate to my diet.

(Picture me standing on the mountaintop) "That's right world!!! I lost 14 pounds from eating Xocai Healthy Chocolate."

Friday, October 24, 2008


I had what I would consider my first official tasting last night. (Granted I didn't do too much.) Two of the girls on my team 'tag-teamed' with me. They were responsible for the brunt of the show. However, I am proud to announce that I had a friend sign-up. I now have two personally sponsored distributors on my team. I can finally see my business starting to build. I don't know if I had mentioned it before but I also received my first check from MXI Corp. This is just too exciting. Increased energy, weight loss, and income. And all from eating CHOCOLATE. Ya just gotta love this business.

Chocolate, health and wealth. Now there's a combination that I think that I can handle.

Monday, October 13, 2008


OK, I hate to get too confidant, but the weight just seems to keep coming off. I am down another 2.5 pounds. (and I'm retaining). This is just too good to be true. I also started doing just a few (and I mean 'little') exercises last night.

That's all, just a quick update.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Procrastination and other excuses...

Well, paint me a liar. It has been almost a week since my last blog and I have not started walking. Here's my list of reasons why: it has been very rainy in the state of FL, I've been too busy, I can't find a walking partner (OK, I haven't asked), ummm, hummm, ahhh, I'm sure there is something...oh, yeah, I remember, I'm lazy. Yeah, I think that's the one that I'm going to have to go with. Sure, it really has been raining A LOT! But not 24/7. There is always time, I just haven't looked for it yet. No excuses, it's just me.

So...last night I went to the "launch" of our new product and got to hear Jeanette, the companies founder and president speak. What an amazing woman. She is so full of energy. There were distributors there from all over the country. A couple of women even flew in from Canada. What a presentation! I've got to tell you, there are people getting rich with this company. And why shouldn't they? It's chocolate and HEALTHY chocolate at that. Who ever thought that a person could eat chocolate, lose weight, improve their health and get wealthy? I know you could have never convinced me 3 months ago that chocolate would change my health. And I can say that honestly because the girlfriend that I finally signed on under tried to convince me to get on board for at least 6 months before I would even taste the chocolate. That seems to be the story of many. It really is almost too hard to believe. You have to taste it for yourself and what's cool about that is, YOU CAN. There are tastings all over the country, going on everyday. Actually, there are tasting going on in 7 (I think) different countries. You want to try the product for yourself? Just ask me how. I can probably have you at a tasting that week. It is so amazing. And if I can't get you to a tasting, I'll bring a tasting to you. This is just an opportunity that people shouldn't miss out on. I feel sort of embarrassed when someone talks about feeling poorly or wanting to lose weight. I just start spouting off about chocolate. They think I'm nuts! I wish I was Bill Gates, because if I were I would be giving a months supply to everyone I met. There is just no reason to feel unhealthy when so many issues can be improved with CHOCOLATE! Really, I just want to scream it from the mountaintops. Thank goodness for the Internet and blogging. I get to scream right here. And if you're reading, you get to keep the volume down. lol

Well, I have a house to clean and a Fall Festival to organize so TTFN. (I just love Tigger!) If you want to check out my website you will find it here:

Hope if you are reading this, life is treating you well and remember, you can always treat yourself well by consuming Xocai Healthy Chocolate every day. Your body will thank you.

PS: If you're PMS'ing, perimenopausal, or just plain mean, your husband might thank you, too. I know mine did.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Not Quite 3 Months


Well, I got up this morning and my dear hubby said, "wow, you look like you lost more weight!" I, of course, was skeptical. I was still in my jammies which today happen to be a brown shirt and brown khaki's. I said, "no, it's just the monotone colors". He kept insisting that I had lost weight and got out the scale. HE WAS RIGHT!! I have lost another 5 pounds. I can't believe it. I must confess that I have been really bad this past week. I actually binged on the leftovers of a can of icing. I think I might have mentioned before that carbs also seem to be my new craving. At least once a week we get pizza and bread sticks (pizza, pizza). I can eat at least 5 bread sticks and that much in pizza. I have done NOTHING to lose weight. I have not exercised and I certainly have not dieted!!! OK, I think that I'm inspired. I will start walking before the weekend is over. (I hope). I spoke to a girlfriend this morning who said, "just imagine if you were exercising". Yeah...just imagine.

Also, I have a surgery scheduled for Oct. 5. I am going to start drinking the Activ. That seems to be one of the products that people are having great results with. I want to really boost my system prior to the surgery. I will keep you updated. I am hoping for a quick recovery and wonderful health!!!!

PS: Energy level still high!!!