Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm becoming fanatical...

Well, I got on the scale again today. Yes, I know, I'm one of those people that I just love to hate. You know the ones, they get on the scale every day (sometimes more than once) to see if they have gained or lost any weight. Yep, that's now me. It wasn't too long ago that I thought that I had thrown the scale away. Well, seems my husband has always known where it was. Somewhere hiding in the garage. (There could be an elephant hiding in our garage and I wouldn't know it.) Now it (the scale, not the elephant) sits proudly in the bathroom just weighting (yes, I know I misspelled it) to be stood upon. And I wake up anxiously everyday hoping to see more weight loss. Well, today the scale did not let me down. ONE POUND MORE! Yes, I will shout for even one pound. Remember, I am a woman who has sat stagnant at a certain weight that I am still not prepared to divulge for over 4 years. So one pound is worth shouting over. And for the record...that's 14 pounds lost in 3 months, 1 week. All from adding chocolate to my diet.

(Picture me standing on the mountaintop) "That's right world!!! I lost 14 pounds from eating Xocai Healthy Chocolate."

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