Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Morning Thoughts

It's Sunday morning and there are no kids in the house. :) Aside from the sound of my husband snoring in the living room, it is soo very quiet. It has been a long weekend.

I don't know what got into me but I decided to have an unofficial PTA meeting at my house on Friday morning. I provided a brunch and babysitters for anyone who could come. We had about 15 moms in attendance and twice as many kids! I think that it went well though. Next Friday is Meet Your Teacher night and since I am new to the board (as are several other moms) I felt that it was necessary. My house is pretty welcoming and definately child-friendly. I think that we were able to get a few things accomplished. I at least feel better about Meet Your Teacher and exactly what my responsibilities are. I have to admit though, after 4-1/2 hours, I was glad to see everyone leave and by about 7:30 Friday night, I was kid-free. This is a big deal for me. No matter how many friends I have and how much they might love me, I'm just not getting weekly phone calls with offers to take them ALL off my hands. My sister-in-law will take one or two quite often (thanks, sis), but all of them? That is a rare treat! This weekend they are split up. Girls are at my girlfriends and boys are at my SIL's.

Saturday morning I had my Xocai 'grand opening'. That is officially my 1st tasting as they call it in the biz. It went pretty well. One of my guests was my oldest friend (not age, I've know her since I was 5) and she also brought a guest. They both bought chocolate and are hoping to see some weight loss. (Hopefully they will allow me to keep you updated.) Later that evening my husband and I went to dinner. Great company...lousy food! Today, very soon actually, I am off to get my hair cut and colored. EEEEKKKK. Haven't got a clue what I want. Just going for it!

I guess for my chocolate update I would just like to say that a weekend like I have just described would have never been possible in the past. Usually when friends offer to take the kids, I spend the weekend cleaning and sleeping. In fact, two years ago my husband and I took our first cruise and I slept probably 75% of the time. One of my girlfriends told me that I never looked better after I got back. Sad, but true.

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