Thursday, August 7, 2008

Today's Update

I had a few thoughts after I posted my first blog... I only spoke of my energy level. I have seen other changes. My sweet tooth has all but subsided. This is big for me. The great thing is that I am a chocoholic and when I do need a little something, I just eat my Xocai. I haven't noticed any weight lose. But I also don't own a scale. Never really knew why someone would keep one of those horrible things in their house! I did weigh myself at a friend's house one day after starting my chocolate, so I know where I was. I had talked about actually taking measurements so that I could log how many 'inches' I have lost, but I am a procrastinater and that hasn't happened. I really think that if I can drop a few dress sizes, I'll fully be able to show that I have lost weight. I guess for full disclosure I should mention that I am a size 16. I have been that size since my 3rd child. I occasionally like to try on a size 14. I don't know why I do it. Just wishful thinking, I guess. Before my 1st child I was a size 9/10 on my worst days. I have pretty much written those days off. Who knows? Maybe with all this energy I'll start exercising. I have certainly given it a shot a time or two. Joined the Y a few times. I would start going and then find that it was just sapping too much energy from me. I know the have to exercise to feel better. Well, that one hasn't worked yet. There have been days that just getting the laundry out of the dryer leaves me breathless. (a good reason to not do laundry, right?)

I also have found that my breathing seems to be stronger...deeper. I really don't know how to explain it. In fact, I was hesitant to even mention it at first. It seemed pretty rediculous. But one day at lunch I mentioned it to a couple of the girls that are on my "chocolate team" and found out that cacoa has a substance called theobromine in it ( that helps to relax the muscles of the bronchus and is actually used in cough medicines. (Note, I had to look this up before posting. I am not a scientific person. I don't need to know how or why something works, I just need it to work.)

So, so far these are my updates: Increased energy, reduction in sweets, better breathing.

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